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Bronze Metalist

Jan 26, 2023

Continuing our un-intentional theme for this Black Metal January, this week's selection isn't quite exactly black metal, though frankly the boys hardly talk about it anyway.

This week: Triarchy of the Lost Lovers by Rotting Christ.

Jan 19, 2023

It's black metal January, so you knew quite well we were gonna talk about a Panopticon album at some point. This time we go back to 2014's Roads to the North!

Jan 12, 2023

This week, the boys continue to not really embrace the cold, dark spirit of Black Metal January with Bathory's first foray into what would become Viking Metal, Hammerheart.

Jan 5, 2023

After a covid-induced delay, the boys transition from Death Metal December into Black Metal January with a fittingly in-between album from Lousiania legends GOATWHORE, 2022's Angels Hung from the Arches of Heaven!