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Bronze Metalist

Jan 26, 2019

Amalie Bruun is one seriously talented woman from Denmark and this week two mostly talentless goofs from America talk about her.

Jan 19, 2019

Dimmu Borgir means Dark Castles in Icelandic. "Stormblast" by Dimmu Borgir is exactly the type of music you'd expect to be playing in a Dark Icelandic Castle.

Jan 12, 2019

Black Metal January continues with Krallice's 2011 album Diotima.

Jan 4, 2019

New year, new podcast... episode. The format is the same. This month the boys dig into the cold, bleak, and frightening world of Black Metal, and what better album to kick off the year than the debut by Norwegian Black Metal legends MayhemDe Mysteriis Dom Sathanas.